A person’s blood glucose/sugar level is essentially the amount of sugar or glucose present in their blood. Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases in our society, and it is not restricted to any age bracket. From infants to elderly people, diabetes can literally affect any and everyone.
The basic cause of diabetes is the inability of the body to produce the right amount of insulin in order to help control the blood sugar spikes that commonly affect people suffering from diabetes. Controlling your blood sugar levels are of utmost importance, since if one is not able to control their glucose levels, then it can lead to many health complications in the long run.
Importance of controlling blood sugar levels:

If you are a person suffering from diabetes, then it becomes all the more important to control your blood sugar levels to make sure that they do not cause further health issues. There is a particular desired range that diabetic patients and even people not suffering from are advised to stick to, and when one talks about diabetes control, then they are essentially referring to how close a person can stick to that particular range to ensure a better control over their glucose levels.
Too high or too low blood sugar levels are not a great sign of good sugar control and can be caused due to a number of issues like:
- Not following a particular/prescribed meal plan
- Skip or stop taking the prescribed medicines
- Not checking blood sugar levels regularly
- Less or too much exercise
Problems that could arise from not controlling blood sugar levels:
Short-term problems:
- Hyperglycaemia: Hyperglycaemia arises when the blood sugar levels rise above the normally indicated levels. This can be due to the fact that the body is not able to produce the desired levels of insulin to help control the sugar levels effectively. As a result of this, a diabetic might experience excessive thirst, increased urination, and in some cases, also unexplained weight loss.
- Hypoglycemia: Hypoglycaemia is the opposite of hyperglycemia, as it occurs when a diabetic person’s blood sugar levels fall below the normal levels. If left uncontrolled, then it can get potentially life-threatening. People who go into hypoglycemic mode can suffer from fatigue, blurry vision, seizures and even loss of consciousness in some cases.
Long-term problems:
- Damage to organs like kidney, eyes, heart, and nerves
- Stroke
- Vision problems
- Kidney issues
- Heart Diseases
However, the good news is that diabetes is one disease that can be brought under control with the right kind of medications, exercise, and food.
Foods That Matter
There are many foods that can help you effectively control your blood sugar levels and keep complications and issues at bay.
- Leafy Greens:

Leafy green vegetables are extremely nutritious and low in calories too. Another benefit of eating leafy green vegetables is that they are also low in carbs that are the core reason for raising your blood sugar levels.
Vegetables like spinach and kale are brilliant sources of various vitamins and minerals, especially Vitamin C. According to studies, it has been found that intake of Vitamin C in people suffering from diabetes, helps reduce inflammation and even fasting blood sugar levels effectively.
- Chia Seeds:

High in fiber and extremely low in digestible carbohydrate, chia seeds happen to be a miracle food when it comes foods that people with diabetes can consume. Chia seeds contain viscous fiber which has been known to even lower blood sugar levels considerably, as it helps to lower the rate at which food passes down one’s gut and also the rate at which it is absorbed.
The fiber in chia seeds, also make you feel fuller and reduce your appetite to help one achieve a healthy weight as well.
- Cinnamon:

Cinnamon has been used for over centuries on end due to its anti-oxidant properties. It has also been found that cinnamon helps lower blood sugar levels considerably and also helps the body’s sensitivity towards insulin.
Apart from this, cinnamon has also been known to reduce triglyceride levels and control cholesterol as well.
What you need to remember when it comes to diabetes control is that it is something that can be done, and quite easily at that, by merely being disciplined about what you eat, your activity levels and the medicines you take. It is a disease that can be controlled, provided you take care to remember all these things!