Want to know how to lose weight for marriage? Read on!

By Nutritionist Neha | February 26, 2018
Happy Bride

Resorting to extreme measures when wanting to lose weight is never, ever beneficial, at all. All those pre-wedding crash diets that you may have heard about might help you lose weight in time for your big day, but once you go off them, then the weight will come back, with a vengeance!  You don’t want that now, do you? We thought as much!

So, to help you make a better choice as to what you should do to make sure you lose weight for your big day and have it stay off too, we have here a list of some things you can keep in mind to do just that! Read on and let us know what you think about them! If you are looking for diet tips for brides, then we have got you covered on that front too!

Never Skip Breakfast:No skipping breakfast

We know that it might be tempting for you to think that by skipping any meal, especially the first meal of the day, you will lose weight faster and more efficiently. But this cannot be any farther than the truth. Breakfast is, hands down, the easiest meal to prepare out of all the meals of your day, and the best part is that it literally sets in motion the rest of the day for you.

The healthier breakfast you eat, the more your metabolism gets fired up. This also ensures that throughout the day, you consciously make healthier choices when it comes to your meals. And, (this is the best part), it has been scientifically proven that people who consume a healthy breakfast consume lesser calories throughout the day when compared to people who skip breakfast altogether.  Isn’t that something? So the next time you plan on skipping the most important meal of the day, don’t!

Veggies are your BFFs:Vegetables are your best friends

The basic idea for you is that by filling yourself up with a whole lot of vegetable and fruits, you end up having lesser room for fried and unhealthy food. Stocking up on your veggies has never been more important than now! And a great thing about establishing such a routine and habit is that this can easily be cultivated into your lifestyle!

Carry around your favorite fruits in your bag when on the go, so that you are not tempted to spend on unhealthy snacks or junk food. The number of nutrients like fiber, multi-vitamins, and antioxidants present in veggies and fruits can seldom be matched by anything else, and this is exactly why they make such crucial components when it comes to healthier food options.

Water, water everywhere:Water elixir

And many drops to drink too!

If you are having major cravings for that diet soda, then you better rethink your decision! Instead, why not grab that bottle of that beautiful crystal clear elixir, known as water, and have a gulp of that? Can you imagine a life without water? We certainly cannot! So why then do we get enamored by these soft drinks especially of the diet kind? Who knows! the bottom line, however, is that water is by far, the best liquid that you will ever consume!

Water, apart from being refreshing, is excellent when it comes to helping your body get rid of harmful toxins. And also, you can easily avoid over-indulging in snacks and whatnots, if you keep a bottle handy with you at all times to take those occasional sips!

Cut down on your portions:Cut down on portions

Eating anything in excess quantity is always a bad thing. So keeping in mind ideal serving portions when eating will make a huge difference and also help promote weight loss tremendously quickly. Starting off with a smaller portion and then having some more if you still feel hungry, is always a better option than piling on everything on your plate all at once.

The whole concept of eating smaller meals every 3-4 hours a day is based on this very fact. Smaller meals will make sure your metabolism kickstarts and stays stable throughout the day, while also ensuring that you feel fuller and have more energy all day!

So we hope that this list has helped you all who want to know how to lose weight for marriage and that you will be able to follow our tips and tricks! And also feel free to contact us if you have any questions or doubts regarding the same.












Author: Nutritionist Neha

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