Did you know that you could only be getting half of the daily recommended value of dietary fiber from the things you eat everyday? This estimated daily requirement is there for a reason! If you are losing out on your daily dose of fiber, then you definitely are missing out on quite a few health benefits.
Dietary fiber is brilliant when it comes to making you feel satiated, thus preventing you from overeating. Not only this! As dietary fiber does not break-down into sugar, like the rest of the carbohydrates, it works effectively in reducing the blood-sugar levels, aids weight-loss and also helps improve digestion!
The fact that brown rice has now become a staple in quite many households is in itself a big feat since a cup of brown rice has 3gm more fiber content than a cup of white rice. But if you really, and truly want to increase your fiber consumption, then there definitely are more fiber-rich alternatives in the market! Why don’t you check out our list?

Did you know that quinoa, apart from being a grain, is also a seed? Interesting right? They are also available in a whole lot of colours, though the ones you might have across would probably have been red or brown quinoa since these are the most commonly available.
Quinoa is a boon for all the vegetarians out there since it consists of all the 9 crucial amino acids that make a meal complete! The basic texture of cooked quinoa can be compared to a cross between the fluffiness of couscous and the crunchiness of red rice. It can easily be substituted in any rice recipe, and goes amazingly well with your veggies too! And if you are looking to eat a high fiber breakfast, then you needn’t look any further than this grain! A porridge made out of quinoa, honey, milk and a dash of cinnamon for flavour definitely tastes like heaven on earth!

We are sure that almost every one of our households have oats stocked in their pantries, have they not? Oats has quite quickly become a really commonly available ingredient in our homes, and rightly so. Did you know that oats have double the amount of fiber in a cup when compared to brown rice? Amazing isn’t it?
But sometimes we don’t realize that oats can easily be eaten in different forms, other than your usual breakfast porridge. And for this very reason, we sometimes get bored of this wonderfully under-appreciated grain and stop including it in our diets. If you don’t have a sweet tooth, then don’t worry, since oats have no taste of their own, one can easily use them in savoury recipes as well! Why not try out savoury oat pancakes or waffles even? With this wonderful ingredient, the possibilities are endless!

Even though the name might be sounding new to some of you, trust us when we tell you that almost every one of has had bulgur once in our lifetime. Still confused? Well, don’t be! Bulgur is just another word for Dalia! Yes, the good old Dalia! And it has about triple times the fiber content of brown rice in a cup! Fascinating, is it not?
Bulgur/Dalia is one of the most versatile grains out there, and can easily be used in gravies, veggie bowls or even salads! Extremely low in fat and high in minerals like iron and magnesium, it also is an amazing source of plant-based protein for all the vegetarians, apart from being fiber-rich! One of the least processed foods, Bulgur is brilliant when it comes to an ingredient that will help you lose weight too!
So are you going to try to incorporate these grains in your daily diet from now on after reading this? Well, we sure hope so! After all, who does not want to live a happier and healthier life?