Top Apps that will help you manage your anxiety

By Nutritionist Neha | March 21, 2018

Anxiety is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with in a very sensitive way. It can easily prove to be a major barricade in your path to enjoying a happier and more fulfilling life. But the plus side of anxiety stems from the fact that it is something that can be managed with the right environment and treatment!

People with anxiety always have the option of being able to cope with it using professional help or wanting to do it on a more individual level. Either way, to help anyone who is suffering from anxiety, we have here a list of some of the top apps that might truly end up helping them. And if you are someone who has trouble falling asleep due to your anxiety, then you can always have a look at our list of apps that will help you sleep like a baby!

The Worry Box:The Worry box App

Get ready to box up all your worries! Does sound promising, doesn’t it? The main idea of this application is to help you deal with all your worries and stress! The Worry Box acts as your own personal journal where you can note down all the worries that have been bothering you lately.

After you are done inputting your worries, the application then lets you know whether your worry seems ‘Important’, ‘Controlled’ or ‘Uncontrolled’. According to the diagnoses, it also gives you advice on how to manage the different worries that you have. This advice includes the next steps you should take or even motivational or coping statements that you should keep telling yourself.

Self-Help for Anxiety Management:selfhelp-anxiety-management

As the name itself suggests, the app is brilliant when it comes to providing self-help techniques that help you manage your anxiety quite effectively. The best part is that this app gives you the option to build your own toolkit that enables you to manage your anxiety, while the app is busy tracking your anxiety levels and your triggers.

An extremely interactive app, it offers you guidance when you want to practice self-help to control your anxiety and also includes you in a closed social community that will help you engage with others, facing the same sort of issues as yours. One of the best apps on the list that offers a holistic approach to controlling anxiety, this truly is a must-have for you!

HelloMind:HelloMind App

The only app that boasts of using “Result Driven Hypnosis” to help you cope with your anxiety, HelloMind is a one of a kind application. Thanks to the concept of Result Driven hypnosis, it becomes easier for one to reach the root of the problems that are causing you anxiety.

You will need to start by picking the area that you want to improve on and follow a treatment that is divided into 10 sessions, lasting 30 minutes each. These are essentially audio sessions that are basically focused on helping you relax and makes you want to concentrate in order to make it easier for you to target the main problems that you face. The app also lists a few issues that you can choose from including, but not restricted to bad sleep, stress, self-esteem etc.

Moods:Moods App

This one is for all the iPhone users! We understand that when your anxiety starts to get the better of you, you might feel like a lot of emotions are overlapping with each other. Sensing what kind of mood you are in at a particular point of time, can truly help in managing your anxiety! This is precisely what the app does.

It helps you decipher what you are feeling in a day and helps you control any kind of extreme emotions that you might be going through. You can easily log your current mood into this app while also noting down any thoughts or things that you might have in your mind at that time. This, in turn, helps you notice a pattern with your emotions, that in the long-run helps you administer control over them.

We need to realize that anxiety is a major issue, but one that can be controlled with the right kind of methodology and attitude! We are of course, always open to any questions or queries. All you need to do is to sign up our assessment form, and we will help you in whatever way we can so that you can lead a happier and healthier life!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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