Top 3 Hydrating Post-Workout Drinks

By Mr. Fit Food (Rahul) | May 4, 2018

The benefits of water never go out of fashion neither can they be replaced by most of the drinks out there! But you have to agree when we say that just indulging in water can get quite boring at times. However, keeping in mind that proper post-workout hydration is extremely necessary since it helps you recover and also lets you have more stamina, one cannot ignore the need for a good liquid lifesaver!

Keeping water aside, we do have a few options for you to choose from so that you are able to keep up your amazing flow in the gym, while also indulging in some delicious elixir! So have a look at some hydrating post-workout drinks that you can sip on to help stay refreshed!

Coconut Water:

Coconut water is chockfull of antioxidants! That is what makes this delicious and naturally occurring elixir one of the best post-workout drink that you can easily indulge in, guilt-free! We are sure that you are familiar with a lot of post-workout drinks that they sell in the shops nowadays, like Gatorade and the likes?

Well, coconut water too, like those sports drinks contains high levels of electrolytes like magnesium and potassium. The idea is to go slow when you are using coconut water as a natural hydration drink for yourself, post workout. This will ensure that sudden dose of too much coconut water doesn’t upset your stomach and lead to bloating.

Another great part about consuming coconut water is that it contains a considerably lesser amount of sodium in it when compared to regular sports drinks. This property comes in extremely handy when one needs to hydrate after a brilliantly sweaty session at the gym. For anyone who is indulging in light workouts, coconut water makes for a great companion.

Tart Juices:

Did you know that tart juices like cherry juice, can help brilliantly when it comes to fighting sore muscles? Atleast now you have some use for that cherry juice that has been sitting in your fridge for such a long time! The many antioxidants present in tart cherry juice help reduce inflammation thus benefitting muscle recovery as well.

Your body’s lipid peroxidation also reduces when you consume cherry juice post your workout session, thus aiding the muscle recovery process even more. Another great benefit of consuming cherry juice is that it has also proven to prevent strength loss during workout sessions!

However, remember to not go for those juices that come in a carton and always try to opt for unsweetened cherry juice. Apart from this, remember to keep your cherry juice intake below 300 ml in a day.

Black/Green Tea:

Tea, be it black or green tea, has to be the most underrated beverage that there ever was and it can sometimes really surprise you as to how many benefits a small little cup of this warm liquid can offer you.

Ofcourse Green Tea has become quite popular in many weight loss circuits, but do you know the reason for this? Teas like green and black tea help very effectively in the process of fat oxidation, as during this very process the fat in your body is broken down into smaller molecules, that are sorted and are eventually used up to produce energy.

Thanks to the antioxidants present in tea, it too functions like the Cherry Juice and ends up helping with the recovery of sore muscles, whenever and wherever the need arises! Athletes can especially benefit from the consumption of tea, as it helps in providing less delayed onset muscle soreness.

So the next time you decide to skip that bottle of water post your workout because you are too bored of it, think about what we have written here and try using the alternatives as a way to rehydrate yourself after a workout! Are there any particular drinks you prefer from these? Let us know!

Author: Mr. Fit Food (Rahul)

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