Top 3 Healthiest Veggies on Earth

By Nutritionist Neha | May 22, 2018

Vegetables form an essential part of everyone’s diet, do they not, and they are known to be notoriously good for our health as well. Bursting with a whole lot of minerals, vitamins and fiber, veggies are not only low in calories, but the right kind can literally prevent many diseases and help keep them at bay too.

There are some vegetables however that do stand out from the rest and have proven to house additional benefits for your health as well. Check out some of those amazing veggies and get ready to introduce them in your diet if you aren’t already consuming them!

  1. Carrots

From the very beginning of time (for us), our parents have been busy drilling the fact that carrots are good for our eyes, into our heads, haven’t they? Well, they have been right all along! Packed with Vitamin A, carrots provide close to 428% of our daily intake of this wonderful Vitamin, in a mere cupful! Isn’t that brilliant!

The vibrant colour that you see in a carrot, is basically due to the presence of beta-carotenes, which is an antioxidant, and can help in cancer prevention effectively. It has also been proven that eating carrots can even reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers too!

Apart from all these amazing benefits, carrots are also full of nutrients like Vitamin C, Vitamin K and Potassium as well!

  1. Ginger

Ginger is one vegetable that is used all across the world, be it in curries or desserts, and one of the rare vegetables that not only is beneficial for your health, but also lends an amazing flavour to whatever it is added to. You might even know that ginger root acts as a wonderful natural remedy for motion sickness, and has been used for the same purpose since time immemorial!

Ginger has also been known to boast of anti-inflammatory properties which in turn, helps, very effectively in treating inflammatory related illnesses like gout, lupus and even arthritis! In a research that was conducted, when people with osteoarthritis were given concentrated ginger extract, they ended up experiencing lesser knee pain when compared to the others who were not given the ginger extract. And did you know that ginger could also aid and abet the treatment of diabetes? Brilliant, isn’t it?

  1. Spinach

Palak or spinach is a staple in almost every household in India, is it not? But did you know how brilliantly beneficial spinach can be for our health? A single cup i.e. 30 gms of this wonderful green vegetable, when eaten in its raw form, can essentially provide you with 56% of your daily Vitamin A intake as well as your Vitamin K intake for the entire day, and that too at the mere cost of 7 calories!

Other than this, spinach also contains a variety of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Being high in beta-carotene and lutein, they prove exceptionally beneficial when it comes to preventing diseases like cancer from appearing. And if all this was not enough, spinach, since it helps lower blood pressure too, has been proven to be great for your heart health as well.

SO what do you think guys? After reading the benefits that these 3 amazing vegetables have to offer, are you ready to add them to your diet? WE know we are!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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