One cannot debate with the fact that a good night’s sleep is of the utmost importance when one wants to maintain their health in the best way possible. However we also understand the fact that due to the current scenario with the news of the spread of COVID 19, there must be a lot of stress most must be going through.
This stressing in turn could very well affect your sleep cycle in the worst way possible. However, the good thing here is that you can actually de-stress and restore your sleeping pattern by keeping a few things in mind. Let us look at some of them.
Keep away from frequent or long naps

Working from home might have its perks, but the chances of the couch calling out to you often are also there. If you plan on maintaining a proper routine, sleeping or napping for too long during the day time might end up making you not want to sleep at night. This is one thing that will definitely mess with your sleep cycle. A 15 minute nap works best, so try to keep it under the same in the afternoons.
Workout (not prior to sleeping)

You might think working out during a time when most gyms are closed is difficult. However, there a lot of variety of workouts that you can indulge in especially since a good workout is tied to a soundless sleep. When you are tired and are also feeling accomplished after a good workout routine, you tend to fall asleep easily.
Avoid screen time before bed

No one argue with the fact that during this trying time, the internet has truly provided us with means of entertainment as well as information. It has also enabled us to work from home without much hassle. However, the one thing you need to be doing when you are trying to fall asleep is to keep your phones and computers at bay. It has been advised by most doctors that unplugging your PC and keeping your phone aside an hour before bed will help you sleep better.
Keep news watching under control

We know that trying to escape the news is something that cannot be done at this time and it is always good to be aware about what all is going on around us. That however, does not mean that you end up overdoing the news consumption. When you constantly end up tuning into the news, you can end up developing anxiety which in turn will affect your sleep cycle to a great extent. So try to steer clear of the excess.
Consume foods that will help you sleep better

There are plenty of things that you might find in your pantry easily which help you fall asleep and stay asleep better. A combination of chamomile tea and a few almonds has been known to reduce stress and promote a healthy night’s sleep without much effort. Even a little warm milk mixed with turmeric has been found to help one sleep soundly. So try consuming these products before you head to bed.
These are a few of the tried and tested I myself have found to be useful and I truly hope they will be useful and helpful for you in getting the sound sleep that you deserve. Stay Home, Stay Safe everyone!