Remember all those times your mother used to tell you to take that cod-liver supplement when you were a kid? Well, there was a reason for that! You see, Cod liver oil supplements contain Omega-3 that have proven to be extremely beneficial for one’s health. Your body and brain both benefit from this amazing nutrient, so including this on a regular basis in your daily diet can go a long way in ensuring that you stay healthy and happy all through.
Here are the top 5 benefits that consuming cod liver oil provides you with.
Improved Eye health

Did you know that DHA, which happens to be one of the most important components of Omega-3 is also one of the main components that actually form the retina in the eye? In case you are not able to get enough DHA into your body on a regular basis then you will notice that you start to suffer from issues with your vision. A lot of the problems that one faces with their eyes come down to the depleted presence of DHA.
Many researchers have found that when the body gets enough Omega-3, the chances of one suffering from macular degeneration goes down to a great extent. Macular degeneration happens to be one of the leading causes of permanent eye damage and even blindness. This is why Omega-3 is essential for eye health.
Less chances of one developing heart issues

We are sure that you are aware of the fact that heart attacks and strokes happen to be the number one cause of death in the whole world. However, initially, many scientists had observed that people who ate fish on a regular basis had lesser chances of developing heart issues as a whole. This was basically due to the regular consumption of Omega-3.
Omega 3 has been known to decrease triglyceride levels in the blood. Apart from this, it has also been found that people who consume Omega 3 have a decreased risk of blood pressure. The nutrient is also known to increase the HDL or good cholesterol in the body ensuring that your heart stays healthier.
Fights inflammation

We are sure that you already know that inflammation happens to be a natural response to infections and even to damage that might have been caused in your body. This is why inflammation is an important part of the healing process as a whole. However, inflammation sometimes persists for a long time, even when there is no infection or injury in the body.
This is known as chronic or even long-term inflammation. This is where Omega 3 comes into the picture. Nutrients like omega 3 have been known to cause a reduction in the production of molecules that cause inflammation in the body, particularly chronic inflammation.
Helps fight anxiety and depressions

Depressions happen to be one of the most common mental illnesses that people across the world suffer from. From feeling lethargic to facing extreme sadness, depression can truly have an adverse effect on a person’s mental health. Apart from depressions, anxiety is another mental disorder that is characterized by excessive worry and nervousness.
Omega 3 supplements can truly help curb these issues in the best manner possible. Research has found that omega 3 improves the symptoms of both depression and anxiety to a great extent.
these are merely some of the many benefits that the consumption of Omega 3 can provide for the body. There are many more that could truly help you live a healthier and happier life without a doubt! So do remember to include this amazing nutrient on a daily basis in your diet.