The Good Personal Trainer Qualities Checklist!

By Mr. Fit Food (Rahul) | March 23, 2018

Want to join a gym but you still don’t know what exercises would be the best for you? Well, we have two words for you; Personal Trainer! When you decide to hire a personal trainer, it really helps you jumpstart your fitness routine and also motivates you even more.

But it can be quite a task to pick the perfect personal trainer for you! You could always start by observing the personal trainers in your gym and even ask around for recommendations. But to better pick a personal trainer, we do have here a few points that you can keep in mind. Have a look!


You need to remember that a personal trainer has to be dedicated towards you. Her/his eyes should not leave you while you are busy sweating it out on the gym floor. If you think that your trainer is busier looking around while you are exercising then he/she is definitely not for you.

There is nothing worse than an unengaged trainer, who just tells you what to do and does not monitor you in the process. This could easily lead to you hurting yourself while exercising! Not a great experience!

A Great Teacher:

Anytime that they notice you are doing some exercise wrong, be it according to your posture or your technique, and they are open to correcting it, then you know you got a good trainer on your hands. Being strict is a good thing, and if your trainer constantly teaches you new techniques that will help change yours’ and cues you on what you are doing wrong, then remember, it really is for your own good! This means that they are truly paying attention to what you are doing!

Values your time (and makes the best of it) 

Remember those gaps that you take between your exercises? Well, if your trainer thinks that it is a waste of time and uses that very gap to squeeze in things like stretches or even uses this time to tell you what it is you are doing wrong and works with you on correcting the same, then he/she is a keeper!

They could also use this time to target some other muscle group in your body so that all your muscle groups are given their fair share of exercise! And if by the end of it if you genuinely feel like your time is being made good use of, then you know he/she is good for you!

 Knows your problems and aches:

A good trainer will always keep in mind any sort of issues you might have. If they are taking time to design an exercise routine around your spondylitis or your sore shoulder, then they are a keeper for sure! Any trainer who overlooks your pain and continues with the same exercise routine, that is worsening your condition, you need to say goodbye to!

Makes you look forward to working out:

What sort of a trainer would they be if they made you dread coming to the gym? A bad one, right? A personal trainer needs to motivate you, not de-motivate! A great personal trainer should genuinely want to make you come to the gym to workout and improve. They should be able to praise you when you are doing something well, and let you know, constructively when and where you need to improve!

Any trainer who makes you feel good about yourself and your accomplishments in the workout space needs a shout-out and is definitely someone you should stick to for long!

Author: Mr. Fit Food (Rahul)

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