Reasons to Soak in some Vitamin D this Summer!

By Nutritionist Neha | March 26, 2018

Did you know that Vitamin D is also called the “sunshine vitamin”? Well, rightly so too! Vitamin D is normally produced on your skin when your skin responds to sunlight. Vitamin D comes from a family of compounds that includes, but is not restricted to Vitamin D-1, Vitamin D-2, and Vitamin D-3 and is also a fat-soluble nutrient!

Procuring Vitamin D from the sun is by far the best and the most natural way to do it! Vitamin D does have several important functions that help our body function properly. From regulating the absorption of phosphorus and calcium to helping the immune system function well. Even for things like proper development of bones and teeth and normal body growth, Vitamin D is an essential nutrient.

So why don’t you go ahead and read why you really need to soak up some sun this summer!

  • Depression and Vitamin D:

Who would have thought a simple nutrient like Vitamin D could play as big a role as reducing depression? Surprising right? But it truly has been proven that Vitamin D helps, to a great extent in regulating a person’s mood and also helps brilliantly in warding off depression.

It was also found that even in people, who were suffering from depression, Vitamin D supplements genuinely helped in improving their symptoms. Also, in another research, the deficiency of Vitamin D was a common issue with people who were suffering from anxiety as well! Doesn’t that in itself say something?

  • Disease-Fighting Nutrient:

Vitamin D helps very effectively in preventing a whole list of diseases! The onset of serious diseases like multiple sclerosis has been proven to get delayed with intake of Vitamin D! Vitamin D is also exceptionally effective in preventing heart diseases too!

Vitamin D can also prevent the lesser considered but no less irritating and tiring disease such as the flu and also helps keep it at bay! Apart from this, anyone who is prone to developing bone abnormalities like osteomalacia or osteoporosis can also benefit from getting enough Vitamin D!

  • Weight-loss and Vitamin D: 

If you are someone who has been trying to lose weight but haven’t been able to do so, then you just might be deficient in Vitamin D! It has been proven that adding a dose of Vitamin D to your daily nutrient intake, can easily help you lose and manage weight better. Even when researching, it was found that the people who took calcium and Vitamin D supplements, ended up losing more weight when compared to the ones who didn’t take any Vitamin D and calcium supplements! This is essentially because Vitamin D acts as an appetite suppressant!

So go ahead people, soak up some of that brilliant sunlight while you have time this summer! Because after some time the sun is going to get too hot to handle! Happy Sunbathing people!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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