Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory

By Nutritionist Neha | April 3, 2018

Forgetfulness has become a very common thing among every age group nowadays and is seen to have affected almost everyone around. It is perfectly natural for you to experience forgetfulness from time to time, especially when you lead a busy and hectic life.

Even though we have told you that it is normal, we also agree that it can get quite irritating at times especially when it happens in a crucial situation. It has also been proven, however, that a good diet and lifestyle change, could have a brilliant impact on one’s memory.

So here are a few natural ways to help improve your memory to a great extent!

  • Fish Oil Supplement:

Fish oil happens to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA which are really important for your overall health. They also brilliantly reduce the risk of heart diseases, slows mental decline and also helps control stress and anxiety. Fish oil supplements have been proven to improve memory, especially when taken by older people.

The DHA and EPA present in the fish oil supplements are also exceptional when it comes to reducing inflammation in the body, and inflammation is also linked to worsening of cognitive decline! So any kind of fish oil supplement will prove to be amazing when it comes to helping you improve your memory!

  • Sleep Well:

We know that it is harder said than done, but we need to tell you that the lack of proper sleep has been known to aid the decline of your memory! Sleep is a process when your short-term memories are strengthened and converted to long-term memories and this is something that is extremely important for everyone.

If you are not getting enough sleep and are sleep deprived, then there is a huge chance that you will end up negatively impacting your memory! Even when a research was conducted on children, children who slept more performed better in memory test they were subjected to! So it is pretty obvious that, since sleeping helps consolidate memories, it is definitely a must for anyone and everyone who is looking to improve their memories!

  • Lessen Added Sugar Intake:

Any kind of added sugar has always been said to be bad for your health! On any given day, you should try to eat the least amount of added sugar that you possibly can since it not only adversely affects your memory but has also been proven to be associated with various chronic diseases!

Any kind of sugar-laden diet or food can easily lead to a reduction in the size of your brain volume and even lead to poor memory. This is essentially true for the area of your brain that stores short-term memory! The bottom line is that the lesser amount of added sugar you consume, the more the chance that you will end up improving your memory!

We don’t think that these are exceptionally difficult pointers to keep in mind, are they? SO what say you? Willing to give them a try and see if they actually help? Well, go ahead then!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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