The pandemic that is the COVID-19 has hit most of us pretty hard without a doubt and no one really knows when and how we all, collectively would be able to defeat this virus! However, even with the pandemic being as disastrous as it has been, it has also led people to make certain changes in their lives, which could very well lead to a better life in the longer run.
Out of all these things, the one that seems to resonate with the majority of the population is the fact that a healthier immune system could potentially help one steer clear of catching the pandemic itself! But how does one actually build or develop a healthier immune system?
Well, first off, a healthier diet could definitely be one of most important things that one can adapt during this time to strengthen one’s immune system!
Apart from that, seeing as maintaining good hygiene practises has become THE most crucial component when it comes to avoiding the spread of this virus, in the long haul, good hygiene practises could very well become a part and parcel of everyone’s life, (here’s hoping)!
But let us get back to the diet and food aspect of this debate now, shall we?
There has been a lot of research about the long-term impact that this virus might have on our daily lives, and among them is the change in relationship we will have with the food that we consume on a daily basis! We will start seeing the importance of health differently than we did prior to the occurrence and spread of this disease! I definitely would love to see people making healthier decisions in their diet without a doubt and opting for a healthy diet!
However, in order to make sure that everyone’s immune system becomes a well-oiled machine, we do have a few tricks and tips up our sleeve! Have a look!
Mix it up!

Variety is the key! If you are someone who has been on a protein diet for sometime now, the right kind of variety could do wonders for your health! Remember to include a variety of different foods in your daily diet! From whole grains and pulses to various fruits and vegetables. Also remember to include a source of protein to your diet like an animal protein or if you are vegan, then soy or tofu works wonderfully too!
Ensure that the variety you are choosing be unprocessed and as natural as you can get! This way, you would be staying clear of any chemicals that could potentially cause damage to your health!
Lessen salt intake

Essentially your salt intake should not be more than 1 tsp in a day. Excess salt could cause a number of health issues including high blood pressure and even dehydration. This is why it is essential that you reduce salt intake to the minimum.
When buying packaged foods, try checking the content label to see whether the product has low or high sodium content. Always pick the ones that are low in sodium.
Limit Sugar Intake

Not all sugars are bad! Naturally occurring ones like in fruits are definitely a win win without a doubt! Avoid packaged sweets, or candies or even fizzy drinks! These drinks are nothing but sugar and not the good kind!
If you want to drink something refreshing opt for flavoured water that you can easily flavour according to your needs and wants! Add slices of cucumber, oranges or strawberries to water and let it steep overnight! And voila, your flavoured water is ready without any added sugar!
Fats and Oils in moderation

Switching to healthier fat options like olive oil, coconut oil and corn oil could potentially, in the longer run prove to be insanely beneficial for your health without a doubt! Substitute the likes of butter and ghee with these oils to gain more nutrition in your diet.
Most of the processed fried foods like chips and the likes that you find in the market contain trans fats in them that end up increasing bad cholesterol in the body, which could, as a result lead to hear related issues. Replacing these fats will go a long way in maintaining a healthier life!
You see, when you follow certain dietary rules and tips, in the longer haul you start experiencing good health and you also start better and healthier without a doubt! This is what helps one form a proper lifestyle around healthier foods!
This is exactly what Covid-19 has pushed us to do during this time of the crises, and I truly hope that once people start consuming a healthier diet, they will continue doing so, long past the virus has run its course!