Therapeutic Plans

Everyone and everyone’s body has a different need when it comes to diets and nutrition. If a particular diet or a group of nutrients work for one person, it does not mean that the same will work for some other person as well. This is especially true in case a person is dealing with one or the other kind of health issue or problem or even if they meet certain health parameters.

These problems and health issues might include but not be restricted to Diabetes, Cholesterol Issues and even women dealing with PCOD/PCOS. Other parameters might include women who are lactating, people who are looking to become fit after forty and anyone who is looking to increase their immune system’s health.

Make an Appointment

We make it a priority to offer flexible appointments to accommodate your needs.


Neha +91 95606 15782
Rahul +91 95990 18682
Calling facility: 08.00-20.00 hrs
WhatsApp availability: 08.00-21.00 hrs


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