Health Benefits of Peanut Butter

By Nutritionist Neha | July 23, 2018
peanut butter day

“Man cannot live by bread alone….he must have peanut butter” – Bill Cosby! And Cosby could not have been more on point! Peanut butter has time and again proven to be a lifesaver for every one of us who loves to indulge their appetite in something rich and healthy at the same time!

The way it is able to stick to the roof of your mouth and melts, to the way you are able to sandwich it between those deliciously grilled slices of bread, there is nothing peanut butter cannot do! But sometimes, thanks to the addition of “butter” to its name, peanut butter’s reputation among the healthier foods, isn’t that great altogether! So why not bust some myths eh, and talk about the amazing health benefits that peanut butter has?

  • Protects against Alzheimer’s

Peanuts happen to be one of the few foods on earth that is rich in a nutrient called Niacin i.e. Vitamin B3. It has been proven that people who eat foods that are high in niacin are less likely to develop many memory disorders like Alzheimer’s.

The niacin present in the peanut butter is great when it comes to helping in the recovery of cell damage to the brain, thus providing effective protection against the disease. There is another component present in peanut butter as well called p-coumaric acid that is brilliant in fighting the oxidation that cells are subjected to, that is associated with various neurological diseases!

  • Great for Weight loss:

Despite the fact that peanut butter might have more calories per serving than the regular ‘diet foods’, peanut butter does aid one brilliantly when it comes to weight loss. This is because when you eat peanut butter, it actually helps suppress your hunger which in turn helps you lose weight.

Having the wonderful combination of both fibre and protein, this amazingly delicious food keeps your food cravings at bay and helps make you feel fuller for a longer amount of time. It has close to 2.6g of fiber and 7-8 gm of protein per serving, and if that is not something exceptionally helpful, then we don’t know what is!

  • Lowers Risk of Diabetes:

Peanuts and peanut butter have another brilliant health benefit, they positively affect blood sugar control and also effectively lower the risk of diabetes. It has been found that a mere 2 tablespoons of peanut butter in a day when had 5 times a week, can prove to be a deterrent for type 2 diabetes in particular, and reduces the risk of developing diabetes by almost 30%.

  • Say Yes to Strong Bones:

Apart from the abundance of protein and fiber found in peanut butter, it also happens to be rich in iron and calcium! Both iron and calcium are very important when it comes to helping the blood circulate oxygen throughout the body apart from promoting the healthy and strong growth of bones. Since peanut butter is a form of healthy protein, including it in your diet will only prove beneficial for your bone health even more effectively!

So don’t think twice before including peanut butter in your diet, especially when there are so many health benefits to this decadently rich spread, that just makes you want to go back for seconds! And in case you are looking at how to include it in your diet in a beneficial manner, all you need to do is get in touch with us!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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