Health Benefits of Caviar!

By Nutritionist Neha | July 18, 2018
Health Benefits of Caviar

Known to be a delicacy among the more wealthy folks, caviar has been around for centuries now! Basically salt-cured fish eggs, it is something that takes a lot of people a couple of tries to get used to thanks to its salty and fishy flavour.

Caviar is usually served in small portions since it has an extremely strong flavour and is most of the time, than not, used as a garnish! But this amazing delicacy has a couple of health benefits that most people might not be aware of! Have a look at them here!

  • Rich in Selenium:

Selenium happens to be a very important mineral that is needed by your body! When you consume foods with selenium, the selenium reacts with the vitamin E present in our body! This reactions plays a huge role in keeping us healthy!

The Vitamin E and Selenium combination help protect the cells in our body from damage from free radicals and other compounds brilliantly! These are mainly the compounds that lead to a number of heart diseases and in some cases, even cancer. However, thanks to the selenium, our immune system gets the boost that it needs and the cells too grow at a better rate!

  • Omega3 Fatty Acids:

Do you know that a single gram of this wonderful food in a day can actually ensure that your heart stays healthy? Hard to believe isn’t it? Well, it is true alright! The Omega-3 Fatty Acids present in caviar can reduce the chances of blood clotting thus protecting your arteries from hardening.

As a result of this, the risk of heart-attacks or even a stroke goes down to a great extent! And if that was not enough, then caviar can also help reduce blood pressure as well as triglycerides in your blood! And all this is possible by merely consuming only a teaspoon of caviar each day!

  • Mood-Lifter:

Depression has truly become very common nowadays, and it has been found that out of 10 people, 7 suffer from depression. But when one decides to take medicines to curtail the depression, there is always the possibility that he/she might suffer from a number of side-effects!

Well, for anyone who does not particularly like to pop pills, caviar just might do the trick! Many people have reportedly felt immediately better and happier with just one small serving of caviar! This might be due to the presence of the omega – 3 in this wonderfully decadent food!

So there you are! You see, caviar isn’t merely something that is a fancy serving at a posh restaurant, there is literally so much more to it! From the amazing health benefits to the decadence of the whole thing, if you can and want to, do try to include a little bit of caviar in your daily diet! And if you want to know HOW you can do it, feel free to get in touch with us!


Author: Nutritionist Neha

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