So today is Christmas and we are sure that you are planning on indulging in plenty of eggnog and rum cake this season, after all tis’ the season to be jolly, isn’t it?
But once you have had your fill of the cake and nog, then how do you expect to wake up the next morn without that throbbing headache and all that comes with a hangover?
Well, we just might have a few tips to help you get through the day!
Check these hangover cures to help you get through the festive season, be it Christmas or the New Year!

Since your body needs time to recover from your previous night’s adventures, sleep is your best friend right now! Even as little as an extra hour of sleep will go a long way in helping you get through your hangover.
Take plenty of rest, and if need be, call your work or wherever you need to be that day and let them know that you will not be able to make it! Your health needs to come first, remember that!
Stay Hydrated!

Remember to drink plenty of water the next morning! You need to keep in mind that the alcohol you had last night, ended up dehydrating your body and to reverse that, you need to have plenty of fluids.
Drinking water every few hours the next day will make sure that all the dehydration that you faced during the previous night, goes away quicker! Try not to overdo the water drinking though, just take it slow and steady and you will be fine.
Juice it!

If you are bored of having only water, then you can also have fruit and vegetable juices. Alternate a glass of water with a glass of juice throughout the day, and that will be the best favour you would be doing to your body.
The water rehydrates while the juice gives you necessary vitamins.
Bonus Tip: Adding a little lemon juice to a cup of warm water will help you even more or even adding ginger to the water will help with any nausea that you might be having.
Say no to Caffeine:

Do not have a strong cuppa of your favorite caffeinated drink, though a weaker version of the same might be ok.
Too much coffee will also end up dehydrating your body further thus worsening your already bad hangover! Even here, you can think of alternating between a cup of light coffee and a cup of sweet tea! Since the sugar combined with the caffeine will help you give a boost of energy without dehydrating you more, this is a better idea than having a whole pot of coffee by itself!
Feed Yourself!

We know that right now you would not be feeling like having anything to munch on, but trust us when we tell you that it WILL help in the long run. Start off slow, like with a few crackers or even a banana maybe!
If you think you are able to keep those things down and do not feel like you are about to throw up, then you can have something more substantial, like some more fruits! Minerals and proteins are of the utmost importance at the moment and your food will help you get precisely these nutrients!
Here’s hoping that you have a blessed festive season and stay far away from any hangovers that might think of befalling you!! Merry X’mas y’all!