We have all been in that situation where we have struggled and then given up on the idea of stepping out of our beds early in the morning to go for a workout, have we not? Tried many times to motivate yourself but failed quite badly too, haven’t you? Well, it does come with the territory.
However, what we would like to show you is that by keeping in mind a few simple tips and hacks, one can easily fulfill their desire to get-up bright and fresh every morning, all ready to sweat it out! So why don’t you check out our list of some of the hacks to help you wake up in time for that morning workout?
Get Those Zss:

We cannot put emphasis enough on the need to get a good night’s sleep. And it isn’t just for the purpose of making you get up early in the morning. It has been proven that an optimal amount of sleep (7-8 hours) can help curb a lot of health issues.
Getting enough sleep will also ensure that you wake up fresh in the morning and do not feel any fatigue or tiredness. You will be more alert and can literally avoid a lot of midday crashes.
Time that coffee:

Remember that function on your coffee machine that helps you set a time as to when you want your coffee to be ready? Haven’t used it in quite a while now, have you? Well, now might be a good time to start.
We ofcourse know that caffeine does give us an energy boost and helps us get through the day! But did you also know that coffee, essentially just an espresso shot, is by far, the best pre-workout drink that you can have? Having an espresso shot an hour before workout, not only ensures that you have enough energy to get through your workout but it also makes sure that your fat-loss rate is accelerated! Isn’t that great news?
Set Two Alarms and Keep em far:

This is, by far one of the greatest tricks that helps you wake up early! One can easily put the alarm on snooze if it nearby, but if you have kept it far enough you literally have to get up each time the alarm goes off.
And if you have set two alarms, then that too makes sure that even if you do go back to bed after getting up, then the second alarm finishes the job of waking you up early in time for a good workout!
Set out your workout clothes:

Pre-preparation is always a good idea when it comes to doing anything on time. This is no exception either. We have
all been in the position where we do get up early and fresh and are ready to go for our workouts, but when we sit down to look for ideal workout clothes, we let ourselves be lazed out over it!
Deciding what to wear the next day for your workout and laying those clothes out helps a great deal in not wasting time searching for them and also in not wasting any energy in doing so too! You literally have everything at your fingertips when you wake up, and you just have to know how to use that!
So what do you think about these tips? Feel like trying them out to see whether they really work, don’t you? What are you waiting for then? Give them a go and let us know if they helped you like they helped us too!