Winter has always been associated with cozy corners and hot coffees. Being a nutritionist in Delhi, I know what kind of harsh weather we are subjected to each year. The season, however, does seem to bring out our inner sloths every time. We think that we talk for everyone when we say that we hardly feel like doing anything during this season other than just curling up in a warm corner with our blankets and quilts and just having a steaming mug of our favorite hot beverage.
Hitting the gym is an altogether different affair! So how do you expect to lose weight in winters, especially when one does feel exceptionally hungry during this season too?
Well, we have you sorted. Go ahead and read our list of the Top 10 foods to help you lose weight during winters!

Yes, we are starting off the list with something sweet. Not bad, is it?
The best natural sweetener known to man, honey is exceptionally healthy. However, you do need to be careful as to not overdo the amount you use. Unfortunately, when used in an equal amount, contains more calories than sugar. Other than that, however, honey is rich in antioxidants and also has anti-microbial properties. These properties go a long way in helping your body cope with the harsh winters.

We absolutely adore oatmeal! A super versatile dish with some exceptionally awesome health benefits! Just imagine how good a hot bowl of oatmeal in the cold winters will taste! Delectable! Convenient to make and full of nutrients and photochemical, what more can you ask for? Any nutritionist in Delhi, like me, would definitely recommend this as the go-to breakfast during a rushed winter morning as oatmeal is particularly successful in keeping you full for a longer amount of time while giving you lasting energy as well.

3.Sunflower Seeds:
Sunflower seeds can be added to a number of dishes and thus increase the nutrient value of that particular meal to a great extent! Rich in Vitamin B, folate and protein, they contribute a great deal in protecting your immune system. Apart from all these nutrients, sunflower seeds are also loaded with Vitamin E, that in turn helps prevent cell damage, helps support healthy hair and skin and also to a large extent helps prevent cancer.

4.Dark Chocolate:
Did we just hear a collective yay? We thought so! Who doesn’t like dark chocolate after all? We understand that every one of us has a craving for something sweet every now and then, so to help you meet that craving without adding the extra calories, dark chocolate comes to your rescue! Despite the brilliant taste, dark chocolates are also full of antioxidants!

5.Red Wine:
If dark chocolate was not enough to help you get through winter, we give you wine! Red Wine with its beautiful bouquet of flavours is also filled with a ton of antioxidants. A glass of red wine a day will not only slow down your aging process but also will help to considerably reduce the risk of heart diseases. Apart from this, red wine also helps prevent cancer. A glass of this elixir is sure to help you stay hale and hearty throughout the winters!

Guava is one of the most underrated fruits that are there! This beautiful tropic fruit contains about 5 times more vitamin C than even an orange! Keeping this exceptional property aside too, guava is rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, and iron too. One serving of this amazing fruit only has about 60 calories! Now that’s one hell of a slimming snack we tell you!
We hope that if you are a nutritionist in Delhi, then you too would agree with us on this list of ours! So do YOU have a favorite from among these 6? Do let us know!