Foods that will help cleanse your lungs post Diwali

By Nutritionist Neha | October 22, 2019

Diwali is the festival of fun, cheer and lights without a doubt, and one festival that most Indians look forward to every year. But with all this cheer and sweets and more delicious food, and of course the beautiful lights, another thing accompanies the festivities; pollution! Despite severe warnings, and even though the bursting of crackers HAS gone down tremendously, it has not stopped altogether.

As a result of this, by the end of Diwali, a constant layer of dust particles and pollution can literally be seen hanging in the air. This air is extremely harmful for everyone and can cause serious damage to the lungs. The good things here however is that there are a few foods in particular that can truly help cleanse your system of these toxins and help it heal as well. Have a look.


Everyone knows that garlic is an extremely beneficial condiment for our health and that is exactly why most of the Indian cuisines include it in their recipes. This wonderful condiment not only makes the dish flavorful but also gives it brilliant benefits. As it is anti-inflammatory in nature, and also contains high levels of allicin, the food product helps fight infections in the body, brilliantly. Apart from this, it has been found that garlic is also helpful in reducing the risk of lung cancer and helps improve the symptoms of asthma as well.


Other than garlic, ginger happens to be another commonly used condiment in the Indian cuisine, without a doubt. The brilliant aroma that ginger has to offer cannot be imitated by any other food on the planet. Similar to garlic, ginger is also famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, and as a result of this, helps clear the lungs in the most natural manner possible. By adding it to your daily meal intake or even to your tea in the morning along with a squeeze of lemon, you are practically creating a concoction that is wonderful at helping release toxins from the respiratory tract.


This might come as a surprise to a lot of you, but lentils have proven to be very effective in helping your lungs stay healthy and toxin free. You see, in order to ensure that your lungs are capable of transporting oxygen to the rest of the body it is of the utmost importance that your hemoglobin levels are fine. This molecule of protein essentially helps transporting oxygen from lung to the body tissues. It also helps the carbon di oxide leave the body. From black beans and red kidney beans to soy beans, all these foods can help you tremendously.

These three foods in particular, that also happen to be something we more often than not include in our daily diet as Indians, can go a long way in helping detoxify your lungs post the Diwali pollution exposure. Lentils

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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