If Shiny, lustrous, long and strong hair is your dream then Fit Foodies Mantra recommend you few dietary changes that makes you to achieve your goal.
Do you know that one of the major factor of hair loss is lack of protein and some essential vitamins and minerals from your diet.
To avoid hair loss, Fit Foodies Mantra suggests to include good amount of protein, iron and mineral in your day to day diet
Adding nutrients like protein and iron etc in your diet can also help you to prevent the hair loss:
- Protein: clean protein like lean meat , fish , soybeans, white beans and pumpkin seeds etc.
- Iron: green leafy vegetables like spinach
- Minerals: like selenium, magnesium copper.
Other than these if you’re doing dieting / eating less to lose weight then it could be another reason of hair loss, talk to your Dietician / Nutritionist and ask them to include above vital vitamins and minerals to your diet.
Apart from diet, the following can also help you to prevent the hair loss:
- Reduce the daily intake of junk food and sweets.
- Eat good amount of fruits and vegetables
- Have a good quality of proteins.
- Get a good sleep.
- Go for more exercise and yoga to cope with stress.
Leave your worries to Fit Foodies Mantra by enrolling yourself for our hair loss diet plan.