Having high-cholesterol can be quite a tricky thing to deal with since it is something that can easily get aggravated by the slightest change in diet or activity! In such a case, even the smaller bites you take throughout your day will be under scrutiny to ensure that it does not make the situation worse.
Snacking, despite the name, almost always being cast in a negative light, can be a good and healthy thing when done right! What you need to remember if you have high cholesterol, is that you really need to start eating at regular intervals, as this effectively will be able to keep your metabolism active and also normalize your blood sugar levels. So to help you figure out eating what kind of snacks is good for you, we have here a list of the most delicious foods that make for the best low cholesterol snacks!

Yes, you heard us right, and no, we are not talking about the popcorn that is served with a hell lot of butter on the side! Did you know that if eaten the right way, popcorn can be a rich source of fiber, since it is a whole grain, to begin with? Almost any and every high fiber food will go a long way in helping you control your cholesterol levels quite brilliantly.
Popcorn also happens to have more fiber than brown rice or whole-wheat bread thus making it a brilliant low-calorie snack to have on the go too! Microwaved or air-popped popcorns are the best but should still be eaten in moderations only!

This really is a no-brainer! Fruits are hands down one of the best low-calorie snacks that are not only delicious but extremely healthy at the same time too! Such multi-taskers aren’t they? We understand and also empathize with the fact that you get sugar cravings occasionally, throughout the day! But have you tried reaching out for a fruit instead of that chocolate bar to satisfy that craving? Well, try!
Fruits like grapes, apples and other citrus fruits are Pectin rice and potassium filled snacks, and pectin is an amazing fiber that helps effectively decrease your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. And the best part is that you can easily grab them and head out to wherever you need to go too!

We have heard, time and again, the amazing benefits of nuts, have we not? Well, even in this aspect nuts do not take a back seat! Nuts help brilliantly to lower your cholesterol levels and also make for an excellent on-the-go snack! Did you know almonds, apart from being wonderfully delicious are rich in monounsaturated fats and help in bringing down the LDL levels while also helping prevent it from oxidizing?
Other than almonds, walnuts too perform beautifully when it comes to lowering your cholesterol levels. However, moderation is the key since they are high in calories and it is always a better idea to stick to one single serving of these little miracle workers!
So, if you are someone who is irritated with your high cholesterol levels, then try including these foods in your daily diet and see the difference and remember to let us know about it too! Happy Snacking everyone!