Celebrity Diets: To Follow or not to Follow?

By Nutritionist Neha | January 10, 2018

Ofcourse we have always been smitten by celebrity diet trends at least once in our lifetime. No matter how secure we are in our fitness journeys, the slight ounce of insecurity does creep in whenever we see celebrities on the cover of magazines looking absolutely flawless and in shape!

But is it really a good idea to follow a celebrity diet that might have helped a certain celebrity shed pounds and experiment with the same on you? One of the persons known to us, who is a practicing dietician in West Delhi has also constantly been asked this question! Well, let’s have a look at the pros and cons, shall we?

Diets are a good thing but only when they are followed with precaution and under the guidance of a certified dietician. Following any sort of diet, blindly, and only because that particular diet has helped in transforming a person completely, is never advised by anyone.

We all know that there is a lot of information on the internet that can easily be used for one’s good. But the same information can also prove to be quite harmful too. As we said earlier, any diet should be followed cautiously since it can easily impact your health in a negative way.

Diets are meant to be cures for ailments and a healer for a lot of problems, but following any diet trend blindly can easily nullify the benefits of following a really good diet.

Most of the time, the celebrity diet plans that we get off of the internet only talk about what a particular celebrity eats in a day and how much of it they consume. What is not mentioned in these topics is the fact that with every diet that you follow, you need to have a set of supplements that you need to take for your body. This is what the dietician in West Delhi too has tried to explain to her clients often.

Remember when you came to know that Lady Gaga follows the Baby Food Diet, and you wanted to give it a try? Well, the side effects of following such a diet blindly include anything and everything from severe fatigue to straight up nutrient deficiencies!

Let us take the example of a Ketogenic Diet. When you decide to blindly follow a basic Keto diet because your favorite celebrity is doing it, then you are going to get into trouble and you are going to take your body down with you.

We read online what amazing benefits Ketogenic diet has had on the celebrity and then decide randomly that you are going to do the same! Well, unfortunately, guys it does not work that way.

When you blindly follow a diet trend like the Ketogenic diet the chances of you not having counted the macros are extremely high. If in case your macro intake is not upto the amount that one needs in a day then it, in turn, will lead to a lot of nutrient deficiencies like magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common deficiencies that you will face when you decide to follow the keto diet without taking proper supplements. Magnesium in itself plays such a crucial part in keeping our body healthy and happy since it helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function and also keeps the heart rhythm steady. A deficiency of this nutrient will definitely have an adverse effect on your health, as you can see.

This is merely an example of one nutrient deficiency that you might face when following a diet without researching. Imagine what can happen with other diets!

If you really do want to diet, then you need to first calculate the macros and then plan your diet accordingly. Even our friend the dietician in West Delhi agrees with this fact a 100 percent!

We understand that wanting to follow a celebrity diet is coming from a place that is telling us to better ourselves, but doing anything without researching more about it is only going to end up hurting you health-wise.

So the next time you are tempted to look up a diet plan on the internet followed by a certain celebrity who boasted about how it had been beneficial for them, don’t!
Here’s hoping that when you do decide to diet, you do it because it is good for you and not just because it in trend! Cheers!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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