Benefits of Donating Blood!

By Nutritionist Neha | June 13, 2018
blood donation

Blood donation always has benefits for each and every person that receives the various components of blood! Did you know that you can actually save close to 2 lives by merely donating blood once? Goes to show what you can do and how helpful you can prove to be if you truly want to make a difference! The benefits of blood donation, however, aren’t only restricted to the person that receives the blood! Donating blood can also prove to be brilliantly beneficial for the person doing the donation.

Lowers Risk of Cancer:

According to a study conducted in 2008, it was found that people who donated blood regularly, had a lower risk of developing cancer of organs like lung, liver, stomach and even colon. Apart from this, donating blood also helps in lowering inflammatory possibilities and helps your body increase its antioxidant capacity!

Lowers risk of Heart Diseases:

Since blood donation helps in reducing the viscosity of blood, it may also help in preventing many heart diseases and might even help keep heart attacks at bay. It has been acknowledged, thanks to a study conducted in 2012, that regular blood donation helps to lower the total mean cholesterol in our body along with the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This is turn protects your body against cardiovascular diseases. If that wasn’t enough, due to the regular donation of blood, the iron stores in your body also and is definitely something that reduces the risk of heart attacks tremendously!

Helps produce new blood cells:

When donating blood, you needn’t worry about being low on blood as your body is perfectly capable of producing new blood cells efficiently. The moment you start with the donating process, your body too starts getting ready to replenish the lost blood! Within a mere span of 48 hours, your body starts producing the necessary cells in the marrow.

All of the red blood cells a donor loses during donation are completely replaced within one to two months. This whole process, in which the replenishment takes place goes a long way in making your body healthier and fuels you to work more efficiently!

And if all these benefits were not enough for you to start donating blood ASAP, then we have a bonus benefit for you! Donating blood also makes you burn calories! By merely donating close to 450ml of blood, you end up burning close to 600 calories! Incentive enough now? So go ahead everyone, you will be saving close to 3 lives if you decide to walk down this path, a path, that is definitely worth treading on!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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