Burn Fat with this 5-minute Workout at Home

By Nutritionist Neha | June 30, 2020

It might seem unbelievable or even unrealistic at best to be told that Yes! You CAN burn fat at home and that too in a mere span of 5 minutes every day! Of course, the kind of workout that you do in this span of time would prove to be the greatest asset to your fat loss journey!
We are sure that you must be aware of many weight loss workouts, but knowing how to combine different workouts to reap the maximum benefits out of them could be tricky.
An intensive fat burner workout 5 mins a day can work miracles on your body. Of course, you also need to remember to eat a balanced and healthy meal along with this like fat burning foods to actually see results. But such a workout in itself could truly take you more than half way on that weight loss journey.
So here is an example of a set of weight loss exercises at home that you can try. These training routines which are 5 min long sets, are a combination of different workouts that will provide you with the maximum and help you burn fat wonderfully!
Set 1:
This is one of the fats burning workouts sets that essentially acts as a circuit training session. There is a total of eight exercises in this set, each having either a time of 30 seconds or 1 minute assigned to them. The best part about the exercise included in this set is that it can easily be done at the comfort of your home or any other open space and it requires next to no equipment either! So, let’s start, shall we?

V Pipe Exercise (Inverted version) (30 seconds)
A 30 second indulgence of this exercise can give you those killer abs you had always been dreaming of! The 2 things you require to do this workout flawlessly is willpower and an exercise mat!
1. Start by lying facing down with your toes on the mat.
2. Continue by placing your hands on the ground and push your body up to balance it on both the hands and toes
3. Pull the legs close to your body in order to make an inverted V shaped form with your body.
4. Now stretch your legs back away from the hands.
5. Continue this pulling and pushing of the legs for about 30 seconds

This exercise helps the arms and core and even the lower back

W Leg Lifts (30 seconds)
Works brilliantly for both legs and arms as well. It also helps you lose fat from your body as a whole
1. Start by lying with your back on the floor with your legs close to each other.
2. Lift both the legs together, bring them near your tummy and bring it back to the ground.
3. Repeat the same for 30 seconds
Jump Squats (30 seconds)
Cardio workout that helps lose weight from the entire body.
1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart
2. Bend into the best squat that you can
3. Slowly start coming up from the squat but jump when you are just about to exit from your position
4. Once landed, go down into a squat again repeat.
5. Repeat the process for 30 seconds.

Superman exercise (30 seconds)

A wonderful workout that engages your core and your legs and help reduce fat from the stomach, thighs and lower back
1. Start by lying in the mat facing the floor with your arms and kegs stretched out
2. Try lifting your chest and your thighs off of the ground while balancing your body on your stomach.
3. Keep yourself straight while doing this.
4. Repeat for 30 seconds

Single leg lift jump (1 minute)

This exercise helps tone your tummy and thighs while also improving your sense of balance. Though this might be one of the simplest exercises, it could very well also be one of the most effective workouts to lose weight.
1. Start by standing straight on your mat
2. Continue by raising your left leg off of the ground.
3. Try touching the ground with your hands and while coming up, jump
4. The trick is to keep the leg lifted off of the floor all the while
5. You need to keep it bent but if you feel any kind of strain, take a little break.
6. Do the whole touch ground-jump-touch ground routine with one leg lifted up first for 30 seconds
7. Take a little break and then do the same with the other leg for 30 seconds

We understand that if you are someone who has just started off working out it might seem difficult. But with the right amount of practise you will be able to do justice to the workout.

Push-up + Knee Kick (30 seconds)

If you have a small space to exercise in, then this could very well be the best use of solace that you can make. Though this is a variation of the traditional push-up, it works your entire body brilliantly, particularly targeting the stubborn upper arm fat. If you are finding it difficult to do a proper push-up, begin with the knee push up instead.
1. Start by lying flat on your mat
2. Come up in the push-up position that you prefer
3. Do one push up from your starting position and come back to it.
4. Once you are done with your 1 push-up, touch your right knee to your right elbow and return to the starting position
5. Now touch your left knee to your left elbow and return to the starting position.
6. Do the whole starting position-push up-right knee to right elbow-starting position-left knew to left elbow-starting position-push up routine for 30 seconds.
When done regularly, this adds a whole amount of strength to your upper arms whilst also toning them.

Bent Leg rotation (1 minute)
If you are looking for an exercise that targets your thighs as well as your abs, then this could truly work miracles for you.
1. Begin by standing straight on your mat
2. Continue by placing your hands on the back of your head
3. Lift your right leg towards your waist and rotate it forward, while keeping it lifted for 15 seconds
4. Once that is done, rotate the same leg backwards for 15 seconds
Repeat the same with your other leg.
Though this might seem challenging, it truly does help you strengthen your knee while also helping you lose weight.

Skipping (30 seconds)

Nothing gets easier and simpler to do than skipping. Skipping can help you lose weight wonderfully from the whole body. But skipping also particularly helps get rid of fat in the thighs.
1. Simply take your skipping rope and jump away for 30 seconds.
2. You can also alternate between intensive skips and normal ones.
4. Also remember to keep your back and knees straight at all times

Tips to start doing these 5-minute sets:
Working out in the morning on an empty stomach is ideal.
However, if you are someone who wakes up and has 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning then give a little gap between the water intake and working out.
You can also take a 10 second break between each workout if you get too tired, not more than that!
Other than that, you are good to go!
Happy Fat Burning! We truly hope this helps you achieve your fat loss goals!

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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