
A voracious reader from the time she learnt how to pick up a book, Amrita cannot imagine her life without books. Having won many a creative writing competitions during her school time, she slowly started to realize that if she HAD to work, then she ought to do it in a field where she will truly cherish her job.

So post her schooling, apart from pursuing a Diploma in Animation, she also studied BA English Honours from Delhi University. After she was done with her Bachelors, she decided to continue studying and completed her Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication.

All through these years, however, she never lost her love for books! She loves to meet and interact with new people and the fact that she loves writing equally is something that truly struck a chord with us.

Joining Fit Foodies Mantra was something she absolutely was ready to do, since she, like Apurva, was already acquainted with most of the team! The comfort level was there and so was the interest! Apart from being the bookworm that she is, Amrita also happens to be the biggest foodie that you will ever come across!

Having gone vegan 3 years back and a sugar-free vegan a while back, Amrita still manages to stuff her face with deliciously healthy food and that is what makes her brilliant as our Content Developer and PR.

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Neha +91 95606 15782
Rahul +91 95990 18682
Calling facility: 08.00-20.00 hrs
WhatsApp availability: 08.00-21.00 hrs


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