Every one of us knows that yoga is one form of physical, mental and even spiritual practise that has been prevalent throughout our country for centuries now. But as time has gone by, it has become quite apparent that yoga has some amazing health benefits that it lends to the practitioner if practised on a regular basis.
On this World Yoga Day 2019, here are our top 4 health benefits that yoga has been known to bestow upon any person who has made this amazing form of activity a regular addition to their workout routine.
- Increase in Flexibility

Having problem touching your toes when bending forward whilst keeping that leg of yours straight and now allowing the knees to bend? Well, that is one problem that a lot of exercises and cardio or weight training isn’t going to solve easily. Yoga could very well be your calling if you want to learn how to become more flexible while you also indulge in your usual gym routine.
Thanks to the various asanas and postures in those asanas that yoga boasts of, the human body’s flexibility increases tremendously and one can truly feel the difference in their posture and the way they carry themselves in brilliantly.
- Metabolism Booster:

Most of are aware of the fact that the better your metabolism, the faster your body burns food and helps you stay fitter. There is even specific diet designed particularly for the purpose of increasing a person’s metabolism and taking it up a notch so as to ensure that they burn more calories and remain healthier.
Yoga is one such activity that helps to keep the stamina and strength of your body alive and growing apart from helping it stay fit. It also works as a motivating factor for most in helping them make healthier choices in their life, thus leading them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives as well.
- Lowers blood sugar

Yoga is a wholesome workout and health improvement routine that one should be including in their daily schedule without fail. Among the many health benefits that yoga boasts of, another one is the fact that it helps lower blood sugar levels brilliantly. Not only this, it also helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in the body and increasing the good cholesterol levels. Thanks to its function of improving the body’s sensitivity to insulin Yoga has been found to be wonderfully beneficial for diabetics and non-diabetics alike.
- Increase in blood flow:

A few exercises in yoga, particularly the ones that call you out to relax are the ones that help regulate blood to every part of the body in the most efficient way possible. If we take, for example, the hand stand, then we can say that the hand stand helps the blood from the lower parts of your body to flow back towards your heart and get reoxygenated via the lungs in an efficient manner.
We are sure that post reading this, one can safely say that yoga truly works as an all-rounder in keeping both the body and the mind at its healthiest best. So maybe on this World Yoga Day 2019, you can take a pledge to start adding this amazing practise to your workout routine on a regular basis?