Foods to avoid during the monsoon season

By Nutritionist Neha | August 16, 2019

Monsoons happen to be true bliss and a welcome change for most, if not all of us, from the scorching heat of the Indian sun, right? The first thing that always seems to tempt us during these rainy days are those delicious hot, deep-fried pakoras that we all crave for, no matter our age! One truly cannot be too old to have pakoras after all!

That being said, it is of course of the utmost importance that you consume the right kind of foods to ensure that you stay healthy all through this monsoons season. However, where there are foods that have proven to be exceptionally beneficial during the rainy season, there are also foods that can cause you harm during this weather. Let us have a look at some of them here.

Cut fruits or fruit juices from roadside vendors

Source: shutterstock

You see, during the monsoons, the chances of fresh foods getting spoilt are extremely high. This is also true for any cut fruits and vegetables that you might find around in shops. This is precisely why it is not advised for anyone to consume fruit juices or vegetable juices or even cut fruits and vegetables from street side vendors or even shops.

This is because cut fruits and veggies always have a chance to come in contact with air that has been contaminated with germs. So ensure that you consume fruits and veggies in the comfort of your home itself as you will be able to monitor the situation better.

Green Veggies

Source: blogpost
Ok, so we understand that since forever, every one of us has always been instructed to consume the green vegetables that are on our plates. Keeping that in mind, this point might seem slightly confusing to most of us. But monsoons might be a good time to avoid consuming green veggies.

More often than not, most green vegetables happen to be damn and also have grime on them. This is what ends up making them more prone to contacting germs. This is true specifically for vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and spinach. So do make a mental note of avoiding these vegetables in particular during the monsoons.

Fried Foods

Source: wikimages

No matter how much we want to consumer pakoras during the monsoon season, it is best that one avoids fried foods during this time. You see, during the monsoons, our digestive system gets weakened. The digestive process as a whole too slows down considerably. Gastro issues might arise and cause stomach issues and bloating as well if one ends up consuming pakoras. Even overtly salty foods could result in bloating.

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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