Do you know eating eggs can give you an inch loss?

By Nutritionist Neha | May 17, 2017
Eating Eggs

When you chose eggs in your diet for weight loss, you are actually losing inches around your waistline. Compared to other foods, eggs contribute to less calories as one egg contains only 78 calories unless you love to take scrambled or fried eggs in that case the calories count will go up, reason for higher calories is the oil or butter you add to it for cooking. So to lose weight one should take low calorie foods and eggs comes handy.

Eggs are great source of protein and fats as well an excellent and natural source of vitamins such as vitamin A, B2, B6, B12, folic acid and various minerals like iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorous. Eggs are one of the few foods which naturally contain vitamin D. There is hardly any other food which has all these nutrients in it.

Not only in calories count egg but it also score more marks when compared for fat as one egg contains approximately 5 grams, eggs are also belly filling because they are good source of protein along with all the essential amino acids. Since eggs are rich in protein which takes longer time to digest so you do not feel hungry for long time. Therefore, you do not need to eat unhealthy junk food between two main meals. This way you can control the calories for which you are working hard.  Hence it will give you an inch loss and weight loss both.


Weight Loss / Eggs

Author: Nutritionist Neha

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